Call for Abstracts 2024


1st Place

2nd Place

3rd Place

Call for Abstracts

ISAP 33rd Annual Meeting
October 18, 2024

Deadline: August 23, 2024

Anaesthetic pharmacology related abstracts that are accepted for presentation at the ASA Annual Meeting may also be appropriate for preview at the ISAP Annual Meeting. Abstracts featuring new work are strongly encouraged. Presenters will be informed of their poster acceptance for presentation at the ISAP 2024 Annual Meeting by email on or before August 31, 2024. 

Submission Guidelines:

  • May not have been published previously
  • Brief, typically less than 500 words.
  • Must be submitted as an MS Word Document in the following format: SAMPLE
  • Limited to two pages.
  • Submitted using the ISAP online submission form.
  • Abstracts are peer-reviewed according to the following criteria: originality, importance, methods, analysis, results, conclusions, general interest and writing quality.
  • Authors will be notified of review decision via email.
  • Selected posters presentations will be given with a live 5 minute presentation during the 2024 Annual Meeting.  Authors will be expected to be available provide comments and answer questions.
  • Presenting authors are required to pay conference registration and expenses. 
  • Financial disclosures are required of presenting authors. Failure to submit disclosures at time of submission will disqualify the submission from review.

Poster Awards

In 2021, ISAP established the Mohamed Naguib Memorial Fund to acknowledge and further the work of Dr. Naguib. His influential work has made significant contributions to the scientific foundation and clinical applications of neuromuscular monitoring and other areas of anesthetic pharmacology. 

 In addition to supporting the Mohamed Naguib Lecture, the ISAP Board has approved Poster Awards of $1,000-1st place, $500-2nd place and $250-3rd place to help support the work of young researchers.